Piedmont Counseling is continuing to deliver limited in-person services and telehealth services via various methods. “Thera-LINK, Zoom, Phone, Face Time, Skype etc.”.
The office is open for appointment only during the COVID-19 pandemic and will re-open fully when the social distancing orders have been lifted.
You can submit a referral/request for services or apply for a clinical position using our website and the appropriate tabs.
You can call the office at 478-477-2220 or fax 478-477-2219.
Message from the Owners:
2021 has been an interesting year! Covid19 continued to be a driving force in shaping service delivery. PCS was able to maintain effective services and continue helping families in need. In 2021 over 3,00 hours of assessment services were delivered, 3,800 hours of skill-building services were delivered, 4,400 hours of therapy were delivered, and 67 hours of care coordination were delivered. Over 250 individuals and families received services in 2021.

The main office is located in Macon, GA. Private insurance includes Wellcare, Amerigroup, traditional Medicaid, for Tier II services, and County Funding. As well, PCS is authorized to provide Intensive Family Intervention (IFI) services. Outpatient addiction services, as well as assessment services, are provided. In addition, training seminars and organizational consultation is available.

CARF International accreditation demonstrates a program’s quality, transparency, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. CARF International is an independent, not-for-profit accreditor of human service providers in the areas of Aging Services, Behavioral Health, Child and Youth Services, Durable Medical Equipment, Employment and Community Services, Medical Rehabilitation, and Opioid Treatment Programs. (888) 281- 6531.
The Piedmont Counseling contractors are committed to providing effective and the highest quality services in a caring, and professional manner. Family-centered practice represents the core philosophy of the PCS staff. Dignity and value for all individuals is honored while PCS is involved with families. PCS is proud to partner with state agencies, such as the Department of Juvenile Justice, local doctors, counselors, and other professionals in developing and delivering quality services.
- Individual
- Family
- Relationship
- Substance Abuse
- Anger Management
- Parenting Skill
- Home Evaluation
- Parenting Assessment
- Psychological Evaluation
- Vocational Assessment (Adolescent)
- Substance Abuse Assessment
- Domestic Violence Assessment
- Mental Health and Diagnostic Assessments
Medicaid Services
- Tier II Services
DFCS Agency Services
- Wrap Around
- Homestead
- Early Intervention
- Transportation
- Supervision
- Supervised Visitation
Here is what customers have to say …
“I am very satisfied with services and have recommended Piedmont to other families.”
“I was in counseling myself, and my counselor recommended that I contact Piedmont to get services for my son. I don’t know what I would have done without [Piedmont].”
“I heard about Piedmont from [another provider]. I am very satisfied with the services and have told other families about what they [Piedmont] offers.”
“I absolutely love the services & my therapist. My Life has been in the dark without her.”
“The service provided taught me how to be a very strong person and helped me get my kids back!”
“My son and I received therapy from [PCS] during 2016 and part of 2017. I am writing you this email because I feel very strongly about the tremendous positive impact she made on our lives! When Mrs. Melinda [PCS staff] began seeing my son, he was in the custody of my parents (placed there by DFCS) because of my substance abuse. I was in long-term treatment at the time. When I came home after spending 6 months in rehab, I too began having in-home therapy sessions with Mrs. Melinda. She helped us transition back together as a family! She displayed the utmost empathy and genuine compassion! To this day, we are sad our time with her came to an end but forever grateful for the tools she gave us! Today I am almost 2 years sober. My son is doing very well in school now and had the second highest AR reading score in his class. These things are possible because Mrs. Melinda helped us see our potential and strive for greatness!”
Here is what staff have to say …
“I can call [my supervisor] anytime I need to with questions.”
“They make sure we are given best practices, and everything is organized. They make sure we see our clients.”
only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.” – Karen Ravn